Quarterly Newsletter of the Finnish Highway Transportation Technology Transfer Center, FinnT2
Address: Finnish National Road Administration, FinnT2, P.O. Box 33, 00521 Helsinki, FINLAND
Fax Int. 358 204 44 2675. E-mail: [email protected] Editor: Arto Tevajarvi, Tel. Int 358 204 44 2032
Editor-in-Chief: Jarmo Ikonen, Tel. Int. 358 204 44 2118


In the late eighties and early nineties, the potential contamination of groundwater due to salt from highway de-icing became an issue of concern in Finland. To obtain quantitative estimales about the extent of this potential problem at present and in the future, a joint research programme between The Technical Research Centre of Finland and The Nationai Board of Waters and Environment was launched in 1992, with Finnra as the main funding agency. The objective was to obtain order-of-magnitude information that can be used to assist decision making when looking for socio-economically optimal approaches to the winter maintenance of Finnish highways.


Mathematical modeling along with extensive field measurements and analysis of existing field data are used as main methods of investigation.The investigations include both detailed modeling of two well-investigated sites with chloride contamination from the adjacent highway and more general modeling studies representing typical groundwater conditions in Finland. The latter investigations are supported by statistically analyzed data from several hundreds ot groundwater formations in Central and Southern Finland.

In modeling the spreading of salt in representative average conditions, example groundwater formations are studied. The formations, even though synthetic, are chosen to represent conditions typical of the Finnish groundwater formations vulnerable to this type of pollution. A nation wide risk-assessment study, in which several hundreds of groundwater formations were classified and analysed for their risk of pollution from highway salting, was used as a basis when determining these example formations.

First, the history of salt spreading from its beginning to the present is modeled. The results from 1992 show the anticipated behaviour, with high concentrations near the road, decreasing towards the sides of the formation and towards the water intake plant. An exception is the formation which collects salt-rich water from its surroundings due to pumping exceeding the natural yield of the formation. The water intake plant has a diluting effect on chloride concentrations, and the concentrations observed at the plants are considerably lower than those in the vicinity of the roads. The size of the formation is a significant factor affecting chloride concentrations; in the example case, the chloride concentrations at the water intake plant were about 100 mg/l in a minimum size formation, whereas in a similar medium size formation they were about 20 mg/l.


The reliability of the 1992 results is evaluated through comparison with data from 300 existing formations from which the different factors affecting the spread of the chioride are analysed statistically. Both the general patterns of chloride distribution as well as the actual concentrations agree well. Simulated chloride concentrations in medium size formations at the water intake plant were usually about 20 mg/l, varying between 16-34 mg/l, the size of the formation being the most significant factor affecting the concentration. In the statistical data the concentrations were of the same order of magnitude, the average concentrations varying between 16-26 mg/l and the median values between 10-23 mg/l. Taking into account the approximations involived in both the modeling and the statistical study, the agreement is good and the modeling results can therefore be considered as being of the correct order of magnitude. The models can then also be used for making order-of-magnitude predictions of future developments.


In prediction simulations from 1992 to 2022 three different scenarios are studied: 1) saltinq will be continued at the high level of the early nineties (9.6 t/kma), 2) no salt will be used, and 3) the amount of salt used will be reduced to about half of the high values (5.0 t/kma). If the application of salt continues at the highest level, the concentrations at water intake plants in medium size formations will increase to about 30-50 mg/l in 30 years, with much higher concentrations being observed in the vicinity of the roads. During the same period, the values at the water intake plant in a minimum size formation will increase up to 170 mg/l and will be highest near the vicinity of the road, at around 240 mg/l. lf no salt is used, concentrations usually fall below 10 mg/l in 30 years. In the case studied, decreasing the amount of sait used to about half causes either an increase of a few units or, in the case of the minimum size formation, a decrease of a few units.

Based on the results of the simulations, order-of-magnitude estimates can be made about average spread and development of chloride contamination in groundwater formations of different type and size. The results are approximate and the trends observed in the results can be used as supplementary information when making estimates about the current status and future development of chloride concentrations.

The site-specific modeling studies also included in the collaboration project in question are still going on. The results show good agreement with the aforementioned results concerning the average trends and spread of chloride. Valuable additionai information is, however, expected from the site-specific studies concerning the effect of local geological heterogeneities and seasonal variations.

AULI NIEMI, Technical Research Centre of Finland

Contents of FinnContact 4/1995:

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