Fig 1. A landscape with ridges (Punkaharju esker) bears well this small scale road which adapts naturally to the topography.
The Adaptation of Roads Into Landscape - Finnra's report from the spring of 1995, and a similarly titled directive published in the autumn of 1995, both deal with roads in free landscape and the factors that affect their alignment and adaptation to the landscape. The main topic in the report is the way an alignment is designed. The following subcategories form the most important part of the contents: adapting a road to the landscape, sense of space, the consideration for the psychology of driving when designing the alignment, the technical aspects of the road and the inner harmony of the road.
Problems arise when an effort is made to reconciliate the needs of traffic with the value of landscape. The travel speed which Finns are used to demands a certain type of gently sloping road geometry. It is usually not in harmony with the subdued character of our landscape. In relation to the road network design, it is essential to comprehend that there are limits to what the landscape can endure: also, sustainable development should be taken into account. Another important aspect to consider is the adjustment ot traffic to the environment with due respect to the values of the surrounding countryside.
Topography plays a significant part in the alignment of a road. Following the texture of the terrain has a considerable effect on whether the road takes its piace among the landscape in a natural way. Earthmoving and preservation of the flora are also effected by topography. The road must be adapted into the landscape in such a manner that the field of vision is obstructed as little as possible, that it emphasizes the border zones of the landscape, does not destroy road-side areas and its often fine components; that it avoids landscape which is sensitive by nature, and adapts itself to the shapes of the landscape. lt is essential from the point of view of the users too, that the atmosphere ot the landscape is taken into consideration when designing the alignment.
Fig 2. In a forested landscape, it is important to create beautiful and interesting geometry for the road and emphasize the highlights of the landscape even if they are few.
Fig 3. A narrow road with low traffic volume should not be made wide and smooth. An old road is a charming component of cultural landscape.
The degree of difficulty in the alignment and related problems vary according to the texture of the terrain within a given landscape area. ln the coastal area of Southern Finland and in the Lakeland area, the landscape is subdued and fragmented in character. Thus, the alignment should be different in Bothnia, in the Northern hill area or in Lapland, each having long-wave landscapes. The goal which should never be overlooked, is to design the road in such a manner that it is sufficiently interesting for the driver. lt shouid aiso bring out the highlights in a landscape that might even appear boring. There is considerable variation in open and closed spaces in the agricultural areas in Southern Finland as well as many possibilities for creating a variable and interesting alignment.
On the other hand, cultural influences have helped to create so many valuable and officially protected landscape units in Southern Finland that it is more than doubtful whether a new road can be aligned into them at all.
We should demand that a road meets high aesthetic, ethical and functional standards. We should have the same demands for beauty, durability and practicability in road architecture that we make in other architecturai design. The geometrical form of a road is mostly based on tunctionality and durability. Too little attention is usually paid to beauty in the design. As expertise in different fields is needed when a road is being designed, the design is easily divided into partial performances.
In the creation of well-designed road it is important that there is an overall vision, and that the designer takes responsibility for the whole project. The role of the head designer is thus emphasized. Road planning should be considered as a whole; this would enable the creation of a high quality environ- ment.
LAURA YLI- JAMA, LT-Consultants Ltd