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The Europe Highway E18 Muurla - Lohja
length of the motorway between Muurla and Lohja is approximately 50 kilometres. The project also includes Lohja�s western approach road from the
interchange of Karnainen to Routio. Characteristic
of the motorway portion are deep rock cuttings and high banks, since the road
runs crosswise with regard to the height proportions of the area. There are
narrow valleys of field or woods between high rock ridges in the area. Therefore,
seven tunnels with an aggregate length of more than 5 kilometres have been planned for this portion. Another characteristic of the
construction of the project is the exceptionally high amount of excess mass. The
processing of this mass is an area of innovation for the service provider. The
constructing of the road emphasises the quality of the environment, which shows,
in addition to the tunnels, as efficient noise control, groundwater protection
and several landscape bridges.
project comprises a motorway portion of approximately 50 kilometres
E18 Muurla-Lohjanharju project has started a procurement procedure for
converting the Muurla � Lohja portion of the Europe Highway E18 into a
motorway, and for its maintenance with one service agreement. The agreement
period is 25 years - that is, from 2005 to 2030.
the first supplementary budget of the State, the proposed order authorisation
for the project is EUR 700 million, of which the construction is estimated to
account for EUR 335 million. Payments to the contractor will begin at the time
the road or a part thereof is opened for traffic. The targeted times of opening
the motorway for traffic are as follows