Finnish Road Adminstration (Finnra)

Research Program
Community Impacts of Transportation Planning

FinnContact 3/1996

    Would you like to receive this special issue of FinnContact newsletter focusing on the "Community Impacts of Transportation Planning" research program?

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The Finnish Road Administration has set up several research programs to improve level of knowledge on topics which are fundamental to transportation planning.

Community Impacts of Transportation Planning is a three-year research program which aims at developing Finnra's strategic planning and assessing impacts of alternative allocations of road infrastructure expenditure. The program was initiated in 1995 and the annual budget is around three to four hundred thousand dollars. 1997 was final year of the research program and main emphasis was placed on implementation of research results.

Decision-making is the key word for the research program. Research results will be used in various decision-making situations in road transportation policy-making and investment programming. In practice research findings will and have been used in committee and taskforce reports which determine future road transportation policies.

Almost 30 research reports have been completed so far. In the beginnig the research program focused on whole transportation sector and the role of road transportation infrastructure in it. The focus has been sharpened over the past years and three topic areas were specified for years 1996-7:

  • road expenditure allocation
  • low-volume road policies
  • road transportation pricing.

The two last topic areas were finalized by the end of 1996. The first one - road expenditure allocation - was concluded in early 1998.

Abstracts of research reports

Ms. Anne Lepp�nen Finnish Road Administration, P.O. Box 33, FIN-00521 Helsinki, Finland
telephone: +358 204 22 2411, telefax: +358 204 22 2312
E-mail: [email protected]

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Last updated June 30th, 1998