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VOL. 6 / No. 1 / April, 1998
Quarterly Newsletter of the Finnish Highway Transportation Technology Transfer Center, FinnT2
Address: Finnish National Road Administration, FinnT2, P.O. Box 33, 00521 Helsinki, FINLAND
Fax Int. 358 204 44 2675. E-mail: [email protected] Editor: Arto Tevajarvi, Tel. Int +358 204 44 2032
Editor-in-Chief: Jarmo Ikonen, Tel. Int. 358 204 44 2118
- R&D Projects of Finnra's Traffic and Road Engineering Unit
I present here briefly some organizational milestones in the course of the pilgrimage of FinnT2:
- The first issue of FinnContact appeared in June, 1993.
- The representatives of the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian road administrations decided in Helsinki in September, 1993 that the road administrations will establish technology transfer centers within their organizations. These Baltic technology transfer centers have worked in partnership with FinnT 2 since the beginning of 1994.
- FinnT2 representatives participated in the World Interchange Network (WIN) Founders Conference in Casablanca in June, 1994 and signed its Declaration of Intent.
- FinnT 2 was represented in the WIN Organizing Group which had the task to make WIN operational by September, 1995.
- WIN began to operate in August, 1995; FinnT2 has been represented in its Board of Directors since September, 1995.
- Finnra and FinnT2 together with WIN, PIARC and OECD organized the 4th Seminar on Road and Traffic Technology Transfer in Helsinki at the turn of May-June, 1996.
As for the road knowledge transfer in actual practice, FinnT2
- is a WIN node often consulted by the international road community in search for expertise
- has provided the Baltic road administrations with training, technical assistance and engineer exchange as well as 10 technology transfer seminars during the past 5 years.
X PIARC INTERNATIONAL WINTER ROAD CONGRESS IN SWEDENThe X PIARC International Winter Road Congress, hosted by the Swedish National Road Administration and the World Road Association (PIARC), took place 16-19 March in Lule�, Sweden. The congress was attended by over nine hundred participants representing 41 countries from all over the world.
The congress was held under the general theme Service for the Winter Road User, with five topic areas such as Winter Road Maintenance Policies; Ice and Snow Control Methods; Special Winter Road Problems in Urban Areas; and Interaction between People, Roads and Vehicles.
The sessions in combination with extensive international exhibitions, demonstrations, study tours, technical tours and social events gave delegates good opportunities to make new contacts as well as to cultivate the existing ones.
It also was delightful to see that so many delegates from the eastern European countries were able to take part in this congress.
The atmosphere at the congress was relaxed, informal, and that, together with excellent Swedish hospitality and the knowledgeable international experts' presentations made the congress a great success.
The Japanese organising committee for the XI PIARC International Winter Road Congress also had their representatives and a large exhibition stand in Lule�. During the closing session they warmly welcomed people to the next congress to be held in Sapporo, Japan in 2002.
IMPROVEMENTS FOR MOSCOW REGION ROAD MAINTENANCEThe road authorities in Finland and Russia have prepared different development plans concerning the improvement of Moscow region road maintenance operations. The Finnish National Road Administration, Finnra, was contracted by the European Commission (Tacis Program) with co-financing from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the development project.
The results introduced in 11 reports were finalized at the beginning of this year and were divided into eight development fields: organizational structure and contracting methods, road maintenance methods, equipping road maintenance units, road data bank and road conditions analysis, traffic counting system, pavement management system, road weather system and communication system.
The Moscow Region, some 50 000 square kms, has 15 million inhabitants - of which 9 million are living in Moscow City - nearly all inside the 109 kms long ring road. The public road network, almost entirely paved, totals 15 000 kms. Streets and private roads were not included in the scope of the project. Highway traffic density varies from 3 000 to 55 000 vehicles per day. The public road network is maintained by two road administrations: higways by the Federal Highway Administration, and local roads by Mosavtodor. This fact has also doubled the number of road maintenance contractors because the collaboration between the two organizations is not close. Over the long term, it would be wise to combine the management organizations of the federal and local roads.
Figure 1: The Moscow Region is maintained by two road administrations. The unification of administartions would increase the efficiency of maintenance operations.
Road safety is a big problem in the Moscow Region. For example, the death toll of the federal roads was 832 in 1995. That equals one casualty for each 2.2 kms of road. The corresponding rate is about 16 kms on corresponding roads (semi-motorways) in Finland. Better driving circurntances caused by efficient maintenance operations may increase road safety considerably.
The basic problem with road maintenance in Russia is the low level of organizational and technical efficiency compared to corresponding western organizations and their technology. It would be possible to keep the roads in the present condition by only 1/4-1/5 of the current funds if the maintenance operation were more effective.
Figure 2: A typical federal road maintenance base in the Moscow Region.
For instance, the total number of employees in the Moscow Region is about 15 000, of which 4 500 are directly in the maintenance sector. This means one employee per 6.5 kms c road. The corresponding rate in Finland is one per 17 kms. A critical stand should be taken toward hiring new workers, and current employees should be trained to give them more versatile skills.
Not only is the amount of human resources too high but also the quantity of trucks, graders, loaders, and asphalt plants. The amount of equipment can be decreased by investing in more powerful, versatile trucks and machinery.
Contract documents were prepared in the project, too and are based on the documents used in Finnra. Documents were tested in Kolomna Maintenance Area in the Moscow Region.
At this stage it is apparent that in Russia there is a need to categorize maintenance works included in a contract. Quality requirements of maintenance work are also to be recorded with sufficient detail so to make it possible to exact fines for negligence without causing disagreements. Also, quality assesment of contractors' bids is needed more and more in the future.
In the first stage in 1994, development plans were made for the Kolomna and Istra Local Road Maintenance Areas. The following items have been completed:
- machinery and equipment storage and repair facilities have been renovated, and their ventilation systems have been completely renewed
- separate washing halls make daily cleaning of trucks and machines possible, thus extending their life
- new machines and equipment have been partly purchased as planned, thus improving maintenance efficiency - drivers have been better trained for their work
- wage bonuses have been introduced
- road profiles and drainage systems have been improved and repaired more after than earlier
- radio telephone base-station and communication devices have been taken into use
- operations have been clarified by implementing road class-specific requirements for winter maintenance work (cycle times, allowable amount of snow, amount of sanding, friction values)
- Kolomna has been a pioneer in developing the contracting system
- development results have been introduced to representatives of other Russian maintenance areas.
Although the development measures have started promisingly, some problems still exist. For instance, salting has not been used as an anti-skidding measure although, due to that, the plowing and anti-skidding measures could be done with one truck. Also, salt waits to be mixed into sand outdoors, where it cakes in the rain and dissolves excessively into the ground. Quality standards have not been compiled as it was originally intended.
Figure 3: The new base buildings of Kolomna Road Maintenance Area leads the way to better circumstances in the other parts in Russia as well.
Additionally, foremen have noticed that workers are partly idle in summer, but suitable summer work is not sufficiently available.
Road Data Bank is the base for road maintenance management. This project prepared a proposal with recommendations for the further planning of measuring the condition of roads. The main emphasis was put on pavement damage and roughness. For example, the measurement of load-bearing capacity is of secondary importance.
Traffic Counting System is also under preparation. The system is necessary before road network condition monitoring can be arranged. On-time information about traffic flow characteristics and volumes makes it possible to plan measures that effectively improve road safety and traffic fluency.
Pavement Management System had a development group of its own to find a socio-economically optimal level for road conditions, at both the road network level and the project planning level.
Road Weather System will be used to make winter maintenance more effective, thus reducing costs and improving safety. Calculations showed that at least 35-38 road weather stations are needed in the Moscow Region. Decisive factors in the calculation include climatic differences, terrain and road network density. The proposed locations of the road weather stations can be specified more exactly with the help of thermal mapping of the road network.
Communication System includes both mobile phone communication and data communication. The proposed maximum number of subscribers is 2 500. The system requires construction of 27 base stations in the Moscow Region. The purpose of the communication system is to serve the monitoring of operations, works and transportations of the organizational units, and also aid in road safety work and police work, such as tracking down stolen motor vechiles.
The project has examined the problems partly irrespectively of the existing management systems. It is necessary to take into account the concrete conditions of the Moscow Region.
However, intensive training of personnel is vital and this is a guarantee of successful implementation of the project. All 11 reports of this project are good training material for employees of the management units. One of these reports is concentrated on describing the principles of training. These reports are written in Russian and in Finnish. Summaries of these reports are collected also in the final report of this project which is published in English and Russian.
The Russian road authorities have planned to implement the recommendations of the project during the years 1998- 2003. Investments worth USD 30 to 50 million will be required along with the annual allocations needed for running costs (personnel, maintenance etc.) of the new systems.
For more information about the Moscow Region Road Maintenance Project, please contact Tapani Angervuori, Finnra, tel. int. + 358 20444 2705, fax int. + 358 20444 2717, e-mail: [email protected].
The Road Surface Monitoring Vehicle (see Figure 1) is developed by the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT). The RSM Vehicle meets the high requirements of fast and reliable measurement of road surface characteristics. For successful pavement management, a variety of data on the condition of pavements is needed. Real-time data processing immediately provides the user with the monitored results. These results can be stored for transfer in the databanks of the road administration or municipal authorities and for processing in the PMS (Pavement Management System).
Measurements of road surface characteristics can be carried out at a speed of 30-100 km/h. Driving speed has no effect on the results. The annual measuring capacity in a systematic inventory of the road network condition is about 10,000-20,000 kms. This amount can be made in the snowy winters characteristic of the Nordic region. The daily capacity is 100-400 kms.
Many different parameters of road surface can be measured. The most important two are longitudinal evenness described as International Roughness Index (IRI-value) and transversal rutting. The other parameters are macro and mega texture, geometry (curvature, gradient, cross slope) and distress.
Although the RSM system is very practical, there are some changes to be made.
In Finland, the RSM system is used to monitor the condition of old pavements and the quality of new pavements. The parameters used are IRI-value, IRI4-value and mega texture. IRI-value is used to describe the road condition and it is an international criterion developed by the World Bank. This parameter describes the driving comfort as an unevenness wave length of which is between 0.3 and 30 meters. IRI4-value and mega texture are used to give a picture of the quality of new pavements. The IRI4- value describes the quality of the paving work as an unevenness wave length of 0.3-4 m. The mega texture tells if there has occurred any errors in paving work which has caused short wave length (50-500 mm) unevenness. These parameters are presently used. There seems to be some need to develop these parameters. It can be affected to the longer wave lengths, as 4 meters, by the paver. The evaluation criteria should probably be, for example, IRI8 instead of IRI4. When the contractor builds the whole road structure (not only the surface) the quality criterion has to be the IRI-value, not the IRI4.
Figure 1: Road Surface Monitoring Vehicle in operation.
Although the RSM system has been working efficiently and properly there always comes a time when a new generation device is needed. The RSM system is now the third or actually the two and a half generation device and it is now the time to raise the measuring and data handling to a higher level. It will be done by taking into use the newest, most sophisticated technology, programming, and computer technology.
The basic idea is that the road surface and its surrounding will be in a 3D-measuring philosophy. It means that the basic result from the measurement is an illustration of the road surface in 3D having, for example, a 25 cm grid both in longitudinal, transversal and vertical directions. The main advantage of this measuring philosophy is the possibility and easiness to calculate any type of variables describing the properties of the surface. E.g. one can calculate IRI-values in any longitudinal path of the surface or one can calculate quite different roughness variables based on the spectres etc.
Figure 2: View of information of RSM system software.
Of course, some measurements will be made at a shorter interval. A good example would be the measurement of surface texture. The texture is internationally divided into three categories: the micro, macro and mega texture, having the wave lengths between 0-0.5 mm, 0.5-50 mm and 50-500 mm respectively. The measurement of micro texture will put a great demand on the properties of the measuring laser instruments due to the high speed demand of the measuring vehicle.
The main development tasks are concentrated on the following areas: the rut meter procedure based on laser technology with a new approach IRI roughness measurement including both wheel paths and the measurement of the roughness spectre. Measurement of the texture will be broadened to full macro texture and possibly to micro texture, too. Slipperiness, friction, will be included both using the texture measurement and an integrated friction tester. Probably the surface density and layer thickness detection systems will be connected.
The high speed deflection measuring truck will be developed based on the measurement of the deflection bowl in the longitudinal direction. Pilot tests with a full scale truck have already been made, but using a low speed in order to check the practical possibilities to succeed in the project. Some of the above mentioned tasks will be connected to the deflection measurements as natural elements.
The project is scheduled for five years, but some measuring instruments will be taken into use already in the earlier stages.
The new developed video system consists of a digital signal processed color video camera, a high quality video character generator and a digital video cassette recorder. During road measurement data collecting, the system writes identifier data and real time distance information superimposed over the video source.
The video information will be transferred to the PC using the digital line from the VCR to the video encoder card. The encoded video stream will be saved on the hard disk.
There is also a GPS satellite locator in the RSM Vehicle. Using GPS information and GIS technology, it is possible to show the video stream along with the numerical data measured with the RSM system. The software required to do this is already in the testing phase. You can use any numerical data you want to with the video using this software, assuming you have some common information to join the RSM system data and the data you are interested in. With this software, you can drive on your road network, view the data displayed in tabular formats and perform visual inspections at the same time without leaving your desk. The view of this software is shown in Figure 2.
For more information about RSM system and the vehicle, please contact Vesa Laitinen (tel. int.+ 358 9 456 4973, fax int.+ 358 9 463 251, e-mail:[email protected]) or Antti Seise (tel. int.+ 358 9 456 4972, fax int.+ 358 9 463 251, e-mail: antti.seise@ at the Technical Research Centre of Finland, or Anssi Lampinen, AL-Engineering Ltd (tel. int.+ 358 9 599 677, fax int.+ 358 9 509 2102, e-mail: [email protected]).
Mr. VESA LAITINEN, Technical research Centre of Finland (VTT) Mr. ANTTI SEISE, Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) Mr. ANSSI LAMPINEN, AL-Engineering Ltd
ASPHALT RECYCLING INCREASED IN FINLANDOld asphalt pavement material can be reused for making a new pavement through recycling and an old road structure can be utilized when improving the load bearing capacity of a road through stabilization. The methods give remarkable material savings because the existing pavement and road structure can be utilized as a part of the new structure.
Asphalt pavement recycling took its first steps in Finland in the 1970's. Recycling became more common in Finnra's paving works not until just in the 1990's due to development of hot in-place recycling methods. The proportion of recycling methods has increased in Finnra's annual paving works, as shown in Figure 1. In 1996, 26 % less mixture was use in paving of one road-km than in 1989. Reduced financing in road maintenance has led Finnra to look for new lighter methods to repair pavements more economically.
Figure 1: Annual paving works (road-km) od Finnra in 1997.
At present, the most common recycling method in Finnra is remixing. It is a hot in-place recycling method which came to Finland in 1990. The remixing method is suitable for asphalt pavement roads with at least two asphalt layers. It is unsuitable for places with lack of bearing capacity or evenness. The large number of machines as well as the use of heaters restrict the use of the method in densely populated areas. The amount of the additional new asphalt mixture is only 10-20 kg/m2. New asphalt mixture is layed usually 100 kg/m2 when the traditional methods are used. Remixing is modified suitable for soft asphalt pavements, too. Less heating effect is needed because the working temperature is lower than on asphalt pavements, only about 50 oC. The addition of new soft asphalt mixtures is 20-50 kg/m2.
Figure 3: Asphalt recycling under actual working conditions.
Mix in-place recycling methods are suitable for Finnra's main roads on which rutting, caused by studded tyres, is the most common reason for pavement repair. If required, asphalt pavements can be repaired one line at a time (for example on motorways). Nowadays, the use of lighter methods is possible because there are many pavement layers and no need to improve the bearing capacity on the main roads.
Recycled asphalt pavements have to meet the same quality requirements as pavements made by traditional methods and have the same service life. It seems that the use of recycling methods in road maintenance will keep up the existing level. By observing the concliton of the road network we will see if it is possible to raise the condition level.
Stabilization works were started in Finland in the 1980's and they became more common in the 1990's. The volume of Finnra stabilization works has been some 2 million m2 per year during the last two years. The used working methods are shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Stabilization works of Finnra in 1997.
Stabilization is a method to repair paved roads which have lost their load bearing capacity. The existing pavement and the unbound bearing layer are mixed together and bound by bitumen, cement or by a combination of both. Also, blast-furnace slag can be used in stabilization. It is a by-product of the steel industry. The bituminous material is foamed bitumen or bitumen emulsion. In stabilization, the existing materials can be reused and improved. Thus, the mix in-place methods give remarkable material savings as less new mineral aggregate is needed.
For more information, please contact Katri Eskola, Finnra, tel. int. + 358 20444 2318, fax int. + 358 20444 2395, e-mail: [email protected]
R&D Projects of Finnra's Traffic and Road Engineering Unit
Guardrail and parapet design Visual and safety aspects in guardrail and parapet design, and safety barrier and noise barrier transitions at bridge ends.TIEL 3200283
TIEL 3200357
TIEL 3200466
Soft asphalt pavement studies in 1994-1996
Since 1996, low-volume roads in Finland have got soft asphalt pavements instead of oil gravel. Soft asphalt pavement is ecologically more sound.TIEL 3200356
Breaking time determination of bitumen emulsion
Design and quality control methods for determination of emulsion breaking time. Influence of emulsion composition on breaking time.TIEL 3200455
Influence of emulsion breaking time to mixture performance Suitability of emulsion for dense graded asphalt pavements.TIEL 3200421
TIEL 3200462
Stabilization with extra hard bitumen in 1995-1996 Stabilization with emulsified extra hard bitumen was made on many different test roads. There were no damages after the first winter on test sections.TIEL 3200345
Improving asphalt mixture properties with fly ash
TIEL 3200483
The effect of limestone filler to the properties of asphalt pavement.
The aim of these studies was to determine the effect of fly ash on the compactibility and water sensitivity of SMA 20 and GAC 20 asphalt pavements. Limestone filler was compared to different fly ashes. Other aims were to examine the variations of fly ash and limestone filler properties, regarding specific surface area, dry void content and grain size distribution.TIEL 3200384
Use of peat and wood ashes in stone mastic asphalt
The aim of this study was to determine the usability of peat and wood ashes in stone mastic asphalt.TIEL 3200442 Suitability of hematite filler in stone mastic asphalt
The main purpose of this study was to clarify the suitability of this fine material as a filler in stone mastic asphalt, SMA 20. Lime stone filler was replaced by hematite filler without the addition of cellulose fibre.TIEL 3200334
Determination of quality requirements for quality guarantee contracts
According to this study, the joining of two test samples with plasterstone does not have any effect on pavement wear resistance values. Thus, it is a useful test method for rather thin layers, too.TIEL 3200380
Comparison study on void content measuring methods
The objective of the study was to examine the suitability of different methods for measuring void content of stone mastic asphalt (SMA) pavement and, also, thd relationships between the different methods.TIEL 3200425
TIEL 3200480
The effect of aggregate shape on wear resistance of asphalt pavement The aim of these studies was to determine the effect of particle shape on the wear resistance of stone mastic asphalt (SMA) by using a test slab method.TIEL 3200499
Ground penetrating radar surveys in pavement quality control in 1996-1997
The aim of the study was to examine how ground penetrating radar (GPR) can be used in pavement quality control surveys.
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